Do you have to do an essay about Elizabethan period? Don't worry! We will help you. We have posted some bibliography about Renaissance, English Renaissance and Elizabethan period. Also, you can check your level by doing quizzes or webquests. Besides, there is a list below of images and interesting videos about Elizabethan period.
Here is the list of bibliography about Shakespeare's historical context:
Here are some images:
- Elizabethan era: this is a website that explains Elizabethan period and her influence on culture, education, etc.
- The Renaissance: this website talks about Renaissance in general
- Life in Renaissance England: this is about how life was in England by the time of Shakespeare.
- Renaissance period: this talks about how this period influence on literature and the main important writers and figures (kings and queens) of this period.
- The Transition from medieval to Renaissance: here talks about how society changed by the arrival of this period of Rebirth.
- On the post before, you can also check the bibliography we have used to do the article.
Here are some webquests and quizzes:
- William's World: A Webquest about Shakespeare
- Elizabethan Times Webquest
- Elizabethan Era. Test Quiz
- Elizabethan Era Quizzes
Fuente: Elizabethan literary studies
Fuente: Medialib globster Fuente: People opposingviews
Here is a list of interesting videos about Elizabethan period:
1. Elizabethan Theatre: this video explains how theatres were by the time of Queen Elizabeth I
Hope this information has been useful to you. Now is time to learn!
1. Elizabethan Theatre: this video explains how theatres were by the time of Queen Elizabeth I
2. Elizabethan period: This video talks about how was society in times of Elizabeth I
Hope this information has been useful to you. Now is time to learn!
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